5 of the Best Book Club Apps | TBR (2024)

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5 of the Best Book Club Apps | TBR (2)

The pandemic has been hard on us all, but book clubs especially have been searching high and low for ways to stay connected and stay organized, even when we can’t meet in person. Whether you’re looking for some virtual book clubs for new bookish connection or just want a tool that all your book club members can use to stay organized from afar, you’ll want the best book club apps on your phones and tablets!

1. Reese’s Book Club

If you want to join a virtual book club and feel connected with other readers, then download the exclusive app for Reese’s Book Club! You can create an account, and mark which Reese picks you’ve already read, and learn about past and upcoming Reese picks! You’ll be able to explore why Reese loves a book, access exclusive author content, and connect with other readers on forums and for live virtual events! There are even quick and easy buy links, so you can add to your library easily. It’s a great way to discover new books and feel connected with a wide community of readers online.

2. Book Club by BookMovement

The Book Club app is the ultimate organizational tool for your new or established book club! Once all members download the app, you can use it to create your own group, organize your meeting times and locations, manage RSVP’s, keep track of your book club’s library and save your picks for future consideration on your personal bookshelf, and even vote on your upcoming book picks! You can also rate and review books, discover what other book clubs are reading, and even manage purchasing titles within the app. It’s an app that will make you wonder how you even book clubbed without it! The only thing it doesn’t come with is the drinks and snacks!

3. BookClubz

Like Book Club, BookClubz is another great book club management tool that lets you manage membership of your club, and participate in multiple clubs at the same time. The app also offers polls for possible meeting times, sets up calendars and manages invites and RSVPs, and lets you vote on books in app–no more arguing over the next month’s book pick! You can also easily browse for books, find what others are reading, and share messages to your club. It looks as though some of the functionalities are slightly different than Book Club, so it might be worth checking out both apps to see which one your club prefers!

4. Meetup

Meetup obviously isn’t one of those book club apps that’s exclusively for book groups, but it’s a useful tool if you’re looking for more great clubs to join, literary events to attend, or want to share your book club with your community and find new members! You can search for book club meetings both near toy geographically, or find book clubs and bookish events and meet ups that have gone virtual!

5. Book of the Month

You might know Book of the Month as the monthly subscription service for book picks, but did you know that you can also use the Book Clubs extension of Book of the Month for your club? Set up your group, give it a name, and then invite all of your members to create a Book of the Month account and join your club. Then, the leader officially submits book picks and everyone is billed individually for their book. You can ship the books to one location (i.e. your leader’s house or meeting spot for easy pick up) or ship them to each member’s house. The Book of the Month app makes it easy to stay connected to your account and picks, and the Clubs feature allows your club to save money and be on the same page. This is a great option for those groups who want to make picking and acquiring new titles super easy.

Find the best book club recommendations

Want more great book club resources? We’ve got you covered!

  • The best book club picks of 2021
  • Funny book club picks
  • The best literary book club recommendations
  • Short book club reads
  • Mystery recommendations for book clubs
  • The best YA book club recommendations

Want more book club recommendations? Sign up for TBR: Tailored Book Recommendations! TBR is a personalized book recommendation service that sends you books you’ll love to read.

Here’s how it works: Simply fill out the reader survey and let us know what you want more of–such as book club picks tailored to your book club’s interests–and what you’re not keen on. Then, an expert Biblioligist will read your responses and recommend three books just for you. Receive your recommendation letter via email in about two weeks, or opt to receive your recommendations as brand new hardcovers from our partner, Print: A Bookstore in Portland, ME in about three to four weeks.Learn more and sign up now!

5 of the Best Book Club Apps | TBR (2024)


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Name: Barbera Armstrong

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Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.